Your teeth can last for a lifetime with the right care over the years. The biggest threat to the health of your smile is tooth decay. Although brushing, flossing, and regular care from your dentist in Gainesville can help to prevent cavities, it may not be enough. You can give your teeth an added layer of protection with a fluoride treatment. Known as “nature’s cavity fighter,” fluoride strengthens your enamel to make it more resistant to harmful bacteria and acid. Dr. Gabriel Nossa provides fluoride treatments to help you maintain strong, healthy teeth.
Your teeth are composed of three layers. The hard outer layer is your enamel, which protects the dentin underneath it. The dentin contains tiny tubes that connect to the nerve center of your tooth called the pulp. Bacteria and acid can slowly eat away at your enamel until a small hole develops. At this point, it can be treated with a filling to prevent it from reaching the dentin and the pulp.
Although tooth decay is preventable, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 25% to 50% of children and adolescents have one or more cavities while 92% of adults have had one in a permanent tooth. Fluoride significantly reduces your risk of decay when regularly applied to your teeth.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance that works with phosphate and calcium to keep your enamel strong. It remineralizes your enamel to repair erosion. In some cases, it can help to reverse the early stages of decay to replenish areas of weakened enamel.
There are many ways you can receive fluoride at home, such by drinking fluoridated water or using a toothpaste that is infused with it. Although they help to keep your enamel strong, treatments offered by your Gainesville dentist provide a higher level of protection.
A fluoride treatment can be performed during your semi-annual visits for a cleaning and checkup. It is a simple and pain-free process to promote a cavity-free smile. After cleaning your teeth, a fluoride varnish is applied to your teeth. It quickly dries, but it is best to avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 20 minutes after the treatment.
It is often recommended children receive fluoride treatments, but you are never too old to enjoy its protection. Dr. Nossa offers the service to patients of all ages during routine visits.
If you are ready to harness the power of fluoride, ask us about it during your next cleaning and checkup. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.